Saturday, November 16, 2013

Max is 2!

Holy long-time-no-blog Batman. Max has been two for over two weeks now. I decided that each year on Max's birthday I will take (or try to take) photos of him. So this year I had the idea to get two balloons for him to hold and play with and run with. The boy loves balloons. I loosely tied them to his wrist and put the string in his hand. We walked outside. He just thought he was something else carrying those balloons. I turn to take a quick test shot and saw this through the lens…

 In the words of Willie Robertson, "They gone". I still got some pretty adorable shots of him though.

Oh those curls. I love them and never want them gone!

And his birthday party was a big success. Max is completely loving the ABC's right now. He can actually say the whole alphabet and recognize each letter. So the theme was a no brainer.

I can't wait to see what this year brings for him!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Fall is…The Pumpkin Patch

I think we picked the coldest day to go and get our pumpkins. And we didn't even get to ride the tractor hay rides to the patch. Oh well. Max still had a blast. Like he always does :) His first choice was a tiny green one. 

 And second choice...a perfectly round orange one. The kid has good taste!

I absolutely love fall colors! And Gaver Tree Farm is pretty picturesque I think :)

Friday, October 11, 2013

Max's Birth Story

I have been wanting to do this post for awhile now. This was, hands down, the best day of my life. There is truly nothing like bringing a new life into the world. As Max's 2nd birthday approaches I find myself thinking back to this day. And sadly some the little details are starting to get hazy. I'm doing this, mostly, for myself. I want to remember every little thing and be able to look back and reread this over and over and share it with Max when he is older. And I actually love reading birth stories. So here we go...

My due date was October 29th. A Saturday. I was so thrilled to have a halloween baby. However, that day came and went with no sign of impending labor. I was HUGE and everything hurt. The photo below was me (with Jesse and my parents. Terrible picture, I know) the day before my due date. We drove down to my dads station to spend part of his last shift with him before retirement.

The morning of Halloween I woke up around 5am, when Jesse got up for work, and felt cramps. And I knew right away that these were different from the Braxton Hicks I had been experiencing. But they weren't really painful, just slightly annoying. I wasn't sure if this was actual labor but I knew it was something. I had a regular check in with my doctor that morning at 10:15 and while laying on the table she told me I was having a contraction! Whoa! Maybe I would just barely have a halloween baby! When she checked me I was only 1cm dilated though. Whomp whomp. She told me to go home and stay on my feet as much as possible and to time my contractions. When they got to five minutes apart I was supposed to call back. 

So that's exactly what I did. I kept my cell phone, opened to the stop watch, in my back pocket and started cleaning and doing laundry. And did not sit down. Throughout the day my contractions where 5-8 minutes apart and lasting anywhere between 30 seconds to a minute and half. They started to get slightly more painful but I could still function. Around 6pm they were still completely irregular, so Jesse and I went to dinner with my parents. And around 8pm we sat down on the couch to catch up on The Walking Dead and 1 other show that was on the DVR. I started timing the contractions again and from 8-10pm they were consistently 5 minutes apart and lasting at least 1 minute. Now this was supposed to be my que to call the doctor. But I didn't because I wasn't in terrible pain. I guess I was expecting to be hunched over in the labor relief positions or using the labor ball like you see and learn about in the birthing class. But I wasn't. So I decided I would just go to bed, get some sleep and see how I felt in the morning. 

Well silly me, sleep never happened. I tossed and turned (which was not easy to do) for about an hour and half while the pain of contractions just got worse. Almost to the point of unbearable. So I called the doctor and she told me to head to the hospital! I don't know why I was surprised when she said it. But I was. Scared, happy, nervous and surprised. So I woke Jesse up and we got in the car only to realize we were completely on empty. I planned to fill up after my appointment but totally forgot due to being told I was in labor in all. Needless to say, the 30 minute ride to the hospital, including a stop for gas, was awful! 

Now this is where it really starts to get hazy. It was about 1am when we got there and checked in at the ER. I was wheeled up to my room, I changed into the gown and got in bed and then had to endure the millions of questions you get asked. I remember the nurse kept saying "If you stay..." and all I could think of was what do you mean IF!! I wasn't leaving without a baby. I think I was only 4cm dialated at this point which was such a disappointment considering I had been in labor for about 20 hours already. I tried walking the halls but simply couldn't stand the pain anymore. So I got the epidural sometime around dawn I think. People kept telling me I should get some rest at this point but I was ready to party. I felt so much better. It was amazing looking at the monitor and seeing my contractions go up, up, up and off the chart and start to come back down only to go back up before hitting the bottom...and I couldn't feel it! Until about two hours later :( I noticed I could feel pain in my right side. And long story short, the epidural only took on 1 side. They tried turning me in all different positions. All of which were terribly uncomfortable. So from then on the anesthesiologist had to come and re-dose me so I could get some relief. 

Then I started puking. The nasty, burning, smelly yellow kind. I think I puked 6 or 7 times throughout the day. The silver lining though...I seemed to dilate another cm every time I did. I was told when they broke my water that Max had passed his meconium inside. I knew that meant that they would have to take him immediately to the warmer to suction him. I had been dreaming of the moment he came out and being placed on my chest. And now that was out the window. Later, I was told that he had flipped "sunny side up". Basically he would be coming out facing the ceiling instead of the floor. It was just one thing after another it seemed. 

I think it was around 9-9:30pm when I was finally fully dilated and was told I could start pushing. I got a second (small) wind of energy and thought to myself "I'm gonna push as hard as I possibly can and then a little harder and get him out"! Well silly me again. Because he had flipped over it made for excruciating pain in my back. My energy was just completely sucked out of me. I started crying at one point. I pushed for an hour and half. We even did the "tug of war" at one point, where a nurse holds one end of a sheet and I the other and she helps me lift off the bed to push. But it was no use. I knew it wasn't going to happen. And then the doctor finally said the "C" word. And I was honestly relieved. I just wanted to be done and have my baby in my arms. So Jesse suited up...

And I was numbed up and rolled to the operating room. I felt both incisions. It didn't hurt, just felt like a scratch. Then the anesthesiologist told me "You're going to feel pressure as they push down to get the baby's head to come up". And I felt it...and I felt it as he was pulled out of me. And then I heard the sweetest sound. It was 11:31pm on November 1st. All the Lee's in that room were crying. It was the strangest feeling knowing that he was outside of my body and in the same room as me. I could hear him but couldn't see him. The anesthesiologist (who, by the way, was the nicest guy ever. He spent a lot of time talking to me as I lay there) told me if I looked over my right shoulder I might be able to see him where the nurses where working on him. So I did. The first thing I saw were his legs. And then finally a nurse stepped aside and I saw his face. He was looking in my direction. I kept thinking "this is my son. there is my baby. that is my Max". He was swaddled up and brought to me and I kissed his sweet face and cried. Jesse held him and we took our first family photo.

And then he was gone. Jesse went with him to the nursery. He was absolutely perfect. Weighing in at 9lbs 3.3oz and 21 inches long.

During my pregnancy I developed a cyst on my left ovary that continually got bigger. So after Max was delivered I laid there for another 2 hours while it was removed. It was 14cm. The doctor compared it to the size of a uterus. While pregnant I was told my chances of having the cyst removed and keeping my ovary were slim to none. But my amazing doctor was able to dissect and remove that thing while keeping my ovary in tact. I'm so very grateful to her. 

Finally around 1:30am on November 2nd I was able to hold my baby. And my life has been forever changed. In the best way possible.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fall is...Leaves and Long Sleeves

We finally had an entire day that looked and felt like fall. So Max and I went to play in some leaves :)

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Fall is...Apple Beer!

Ok, Ok...I know this beer isn't only available in the Fall (I don't think) but it just isn't as good unless you drink it in the months of October and November. It just isn't. I recently tried the Redd's Apple was okay...but this is far better!

Hey at least it isn't pumpkin. Oh wait...

Come on its Fall...of course we have pumpkin beer too! Now go get you some apple and/or pumpkin beer! But please drink responsibly :) 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fall is...Pumpkin Spice Creamer

I decided to take matters into my own hands when I couldn't find pumpkin spice creamer at any grocery store. I turned to Pinterest and found a recipe to make my own! I used this recipe and it turned out great! I did make two changes. One I did on purpose and the other because I must be blind. Instead of using whole milk I used 2% because that's just what we had. And instead of using heavy whipping cream I used half and half. That's because I did not see the heavy whipping cream in the fridge (even though it was right in front of my face). Oh well. Since I have some leftover pumpkin I will probably make another batch and use the whipping cream and maybe even add more pumpkin. It was so easy to make. You basically put everything is a sauce pan and heat until its streaming.

Then strain it to remove any gunky stuff...can you see  that little steam swirl! I strained twice and it really could have used a third time.

Then pour it in a jar and refrigerate! Voila! I picked up this jar at Home Goods (love that place!) for only $2.99!

And yes I did make a pot of coffee in the middle of the afternoon to try this out. Yummy! I hope you give this a try and enjoy. Happy sipping :)

Side note: After it sat in the fridge it did seperate. I had to give it a good shake before using it again. 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Fall is...Officially here!

Today is the first official day of Fall!!! Is anyone else as excited as I am?? Today I got out all our fall/halloween decorations. I realize its a bit early for halloween stuff but I just can't help myself. This is my favorite time of year.

I'm going to do a series of Fall is....posts starting today! I don't know if it will be every week. Could be more could be less. All I know is there are so many moments/things/colors/feelings I want to capture this Fall. And the kick off to Fall, for me, is the Great Frederick Fair! We took Max yesterday and of course he had a blast :)

 This boy loves tractors!

He never stays asleep anymore when we bring him in from the car. But the fair must have really worn him out. He slept in this chair for an hour os so. Love him :)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Funland Nostalgia

Growing up my grandparents owned a small house in Rehobeth Beach. We would go every chance we got throughout the year. Memorial Day and Labor Day weekend being the two big ones. The place was right on the bay and we would take my Granddad's boat out all morning and spend all evening on the boardwalk. Some of my most treasured memories took place there. This past Labor Day weekend we went with my parents and took Max to Funland for some rides. This was actually his second time there but last year he was too little to do any rides. There is just something about that place that is so nostalgic. The sounds, the smells, the haunted house that terrified me as a child and still weirds me out a little as an adult. It was so fun to watch Max enjoy the exact same rides that I enjoyed when I was young. I went digging through my parents photo albums to find some of me there :)

 (Me on the left)
 (Me on the left again)
 (My goofy mug peeking out from behind)
My little guy having so much fun!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Getting so big...

No matter how much I say it, think it or will it...he will just not stop growing. I swear he is taller every morning he wakes up.

Sidewalk chalk is our new favorite thing to do! 

If there is a puddle, this boy will be in it!

Sigh.  He's even cute when he's screaming at me. I love this boy. How did I get so lucky :)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Myrtle Beach and a New Name!

First things first. I gave my little bloggy a new name...A HappiLee Ever After (see what I did there). Life is just moving at warp speed these days. Jesse and I are buying a house and we should hopefully settle at the end of this month! I have tons of DIY and renovation before and after blogs to come. I am so excited I can't stand it.

Anyway, we are sadly home from vacation but we had such a good time. Max loved the beach and the weather was perfect!

We took Max to the rides that I'm pretty sure I rode as a kid too. This boy is afraid of nothing! He loved every ride we put him on.

I'm always a little sad when vacation is over. But I'm always happy to be home. And now my favorite time of year is just around the corner. We have a very busy few months ahead of us. I will definitely keep you updated :)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Myrtle Beach Bound!

It's finally vacation time! We have been going to Myrtle Beach, SC...well since before I was even born. Last year Max was 8 months for his first time there. It was there when I realized he was basically done breast feeding :( But that's a whole 'nother post for a whole 'nother time. 

This year is going to be so fun with Max. He will understand more and be able to do so much more! I cannot wait for the beach, rides and evening golf cart trips to the ice cream stand. But currently we are riding in style in grandma and granddad's RV!
Yum :)

Monday, July 1, 2013

20 Months! WHAT?!

I cannot believe my little guy is 20 months today! That means he's going to be 2 in just 4 short months. I feel we just had his 1st birthday party. No, actually i feel like he was just born. No scratch that, I feel like i just found out i was preggers with him! Time really does fly! I am pretty excited to plan his 2nd birthday party though. I'm thinking pirates, Mickey Mouse or trains. Those rank pretty high on his favorites list. 

Oh and P.S. Since a lot of people have asked me...we are not expecting baby number two...yet. We do have plans to start trying again in the very near future :)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

High Chair Re-Do!

I had been wanting a wooden high chair for awhile and I finally found this one at the Mt. Airy yard sale. For anyone that doesn't know, it's a huge yard sale at the carnival grounds with so many vendors/sellers. Last year was my first time going and it really is a major event! Cars and people everywhere! I found these awesome wooden crates that would have been perfect for newborn sessions. But I was disappointed in how much they were asking for them. Like $45 or something. No thanks. So when we went back this year I didn't have high hopes of finding anything for cheap. Then I saw the high chair with the little sticker that said $5! I was so excited! I knew it would be perfect for cake smash sessions.

I knew I wanted to keep the new paint color pretty neutral. Although I was really tempted to go with a bright yellow or red. Maybe next time. I'm no paint expert but this is what I used 
It's a twofer! I researched a bit about the best way of doing this. And the one thing everyone said was "don't skip the sanding"! So even though I wanted to, I didn't. I'm not even sure if I used the right type of sandpaper. I found some in our garage that said medium grain so I went with it. And it actually worked really well to smooth out the edges and the splintery seat. Then while Max napped I got down to business. The paint went on so easy and I'm so happy with the results. I think I might rough up a few spots to give it a more vintage feel. Yes?
I can't wait to use it tomorrow for a little lady who is turning 1. I will post the photos from her session on my photo blog and link it up here :)