Wednesday, January 30, 2013

28 & 29 of 365

Jan 28th: Such good form.

Jan 29th: My grandmother got this super cute outfit for Max. Shoes and all! She requested a few photos of him wearing it, so we went and played outside in the beautiful weather!

Monday, January 28, 2013

23, 24, 25, 26 & 27/365

Note to self: I must make these posts more often.

Jan 23rd: Decisions, decisions...This is Leslie (my cousins daughter). I was there the day she came into the world and I can't believe she will be 6 this year. Time really does fly.

Jan 24th: Here comes the sun.

Jan 25th: Makeup brush cleaning day!

Jan 26th: Pretty snow and dirty lamp. It may not have been much, but Max finally got to go out in the snow!

Jan 27th: Quite possibly the best smelling candle ever! I've only had a few months and its almost all gone. Usually I have candles for years. This one is so yummy and I love a sweet smelling house :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

19,20,21 and 22/365

Jan. 19th: A bedtime mess. That is a lot of toys for one little boy.

Jan. 20th: That's what I love about Sundays :)

Jan. 21st: This boy could live in the bathtub! It's his favorite place to be!

Jan. 22nd: A restful moment for these busy little feet :)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

15, 16, 17 and 18/365

Jan. 15th: Lets just call this day an almost miss. I was climbing in bed when I realized I never took a photo. So here is what I was watching on tv. I'm late in the game on this show. I only watch the reruns, but I love it! And I love Jim Parsons. I first saw him in the movie Garden State as a Medieval Times knight who spoke cling on. If you haven't seen that movie I highly recommend it!

Jan. 16th: Our lonely rocking chairs. I planned to get outside more today but the weather was total crap. So the front porch is as far as I made it.

Jan. 17th: Husband, and sewing and Maryland!

Jan. 18th: Yay! We got to visit with Ashley at work!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

12, 13 and 14 of 365

Jan. 12th : I woke up today and noticed all our fridge magnets had been turned upside down. We had a few friends over the night before to play some big buck hunter (best game ever) and I had a feeling I knew who did it. The mystery magnet turner was the impossibly tall Steve Rumbaugh. Thanks Steve!

 Jan. 13th: Lately we have been going through a rough patch with Max and sleeping or lack there of. Just a few nights ago I was awake with him from 11pm to 4am. He had three (almost four) teeth come through at the same time. And I think his one year molars may be starting too. This round of teething was the worst so far. We used to have a really nice bedtime routine with him and he would go to bed so easy and sleep all night. And now that he is starting to feel better I am determined to get that routine back. And this is one of my favorite parts. About thirty minutes before bedtime Jesse, Max and I go to Max's room for some quiet playtime. No tv's, no cell phones, no noisy toys. We usually look at books or roll a ball around. This really gives him a chance to wind down and I love that we have this desiganted family time every night. And since we have been back to our routine he has been a much better sleeper!

Okay so I know this photo is a bit staged. I set the self timer and dashed in there and picked up the book. But it still captured a family moment that I will cherish.

Jan. 14th: This is my current frustration. I have been really digging nail polish lately. I'll blame that (among other things) on Pinterest. My polish used to fit nicely in that bag there. And now its over flowing like crazy. I saw on Pinterest how you can use an old spice rack as a nail polish rack and I mentioned it to Jesse. I told him I was gonna do some thrifting to find a good one and then paint it a fun color. And he said he would make me one! Score! He's a welder and makes awesome things out of metal for those that don't know. Well I should have known better because I think he said this like 6 months ago. And I'm still waiting on my nail polish rack. Haha oh well, he's a busy guy. Good things come to those who wait, right? Or maybe good things come to those who just go out and do what they were gonna do in the first place. Or something like that. Love you babe! :)

Friday, January 11, 2013

9,10 &11 of 365

Jan. 9th: Teething beads!!! Thank you Ashley Miles for this awesome gift! For those of you that don't know, the teal colored necklace are teething beads. They are super cute for Mommas to wear and super safe for babies to teeth on! Genius! Lately Max has been chewing on and eating everything!! I mean everything! See January 10th's picture for more on that...

Jan. 10th: That is not food! Does anyone else have a little babe that eats books???? Max will literally gnaw off the paper, chew it and swallow it. I love that he is so interested in books but I can't turn my back for a second because he will start eating them. In better news, that is a delicious glass of wine lurking back there. I've started weight watchers to help lose this baby weight that has crept back on since I stopped breast feeding...and I just learned that Barefoot Mascato is only 1 point! Yessss!

Jan. 11th: So here is my story about ladybugs. I believe they are a sign from my grandmother. Stay with me. I don't think she has come back inside if it, a la Phoebe Buffet. She passed away January 19th 2010 after coming down with pneumonia. She was in the hospital for a few days, first in the ICU then in a regular room upstairs. I think it was the day before she went to heaven and I was sitting in a large window cill at the hospital just looking out the window and thinking about her when a ladybug crawled right in front of me. At the time I didn't think much of it. Although I did think it was strange to see a ladybug in January. Maybe thats normal, I don't know much about bugs. And ever since she has passed I seem to see them whenever I am really missing her or thinking about her a lot. We just recently took a trip to Disney World with my whole family over Thanksgiving. My Mommom loved Florida and seeing all her grandkids and great grandkids have fun in Disney. As we were walking into one of the parks my dad pointed out that there was a ladybug on my leg. Of all the legs it could have landed on it chose mine. I don't think that its a coincidence. And yesterday my dad and I were talking about her and how overjoyed she would be with all the new babies born in our family and this morning when I woke up this little guy was hanging out in my bathroom. Although my heart still hurts from losing her, and my eyes are forming tears right now, I know she is in the best place with my Granddad. And I truly think that ever so often she sends a little ladybug my way to let me know she is still with me.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

7&8/365 - So far, so good!

Jan. 7th: Almost missed this one. I was getting in bed when I realized it. So here is my nightstand. BORING!

Jan. 8th: My two boys curing a little boredom/crankiness while waiting for dinner to be ready :)

5 and 6 of 365

Jan. 5th: Something new...

I am officially an Independent Beauty Consultant for Mary Kay. This is quite possibly one of the scariest things I have done. Being a stay at home mom has been the best and hardest thing for me. It's something I have dreamed of being since I was little. My expectations were so high. But the reality of it kind of slapped those expectations in the face. I thought I'd have so much time during the day to do all the things I love all while taking care of Max and enriching his little mind. And then I found myself not even getting out of my pjs all day and barely even showering. Gross. And I was surprised at how I felt about not getting a paycheck anymore. So I am determined to make this year a year of new/good things from Mary Kay to my photography business and much more.

It has to start somewhere It has to start sometime
What better place than here, what better time than now? (Thank you Rage)

Please visit for all your beauty needs :)

Jan. 6th: Ugh are we really those people who still have a pumpkin out?

Friday, January 4, 2013

3 and 4 of 365

Jan. 3rd: It's whats for dinner...

Jan. 4th: Self Portrait.

What a sad state of adulthood this is. I used to color my hair for fun. Now I do it to cover up grays. Waaah. I think every girl has a "hair dye" shirt. Peace frogs! Ha! I don't go to fancy salons to pay fancy money. This is good enough for me.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Photos 1 and 2 of 365

Welcome to my Project 365! I've never been big on new years resolutions. But this year is a year for new things! I've thought about doing something like this for awhile and now feels like the right time. I am determined to use my camera every single day of 2013. In doing this project I hope to become a better photographer and really find my style. So here we go...

Jan 1st: This little guy was just staring me in the face.

Jan 2nd: Today Max slept in until 8am! And I found him in his crib just entertaining himself with this little frog. It projects stars on the ceiling. And in this case...on his face :)