Tuesday, January 15, 2013

12, 13 and 14 of 365

Jan. 12th : I woke up today and noticed all our fridge magnets had been turned upside down. We had a few friends over the night before to play some big buck hunter (best game ever) and I had a feeling I knew who did it. The mystery magnet turner was the impossibly tall Steve Rumbaugh. Thanks Steve!

 Jan. 13th: Lately we have been going through a rough patch with Max and sleeping or lack there of. Just a few nights ago I was awake with him from 11pm to 4am. He had three (almost four) teeth come through at the same time. And I think his one year molars may be starting too. This round of teething was the worst so far. We used to have a really nice bedtime routine with him and he would go to bed so easy and sleep all night. And now that he is starting to feel better I am determined to get that routine back. And this is one of my favorite parts. About thirty minutes before bedtime Jesse, Max and I go to Max's room for some quiet playtime. No tv's, no cell phones, no noisy toys. We usually look at books or roll a ball around. This really gives him a chance to wind down and I love that we have this desiganted family time every night. And since we have been back to our routine he has been a much better sleeper!

Okay so I know this photo is a bit staged. I set the self timer and dashed in there and picked up the book. But it still captured a family moment that I will cherish.

Jan. 14th: This is my current frustration. I have been really digging nail polish lately. I'll blame that (among other things) on Pinterest. My polish used to fit nicely in that bag there. And now its over flowing like crazy. I saw on Pinterest how you can use an old spice rack as a nail polish rack and I mentioned it to Jesse. I told him I was gonna do some thrifting to find a good one and then paint it a fun color. And he said he would make me one! Score! He's a welder and makes awesome things out of metal for those that don't know. Well I should have known better because I think he said this like 6 months ago. And I'm still waiting on my nail polish rack. Haha oh well, he's a busy guy. Good things come to those who wait, right? Or maybe good things come to those who just go out and do what they were gonna do in the first place. Or something like that. Love you babe! :)

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